Meditation Mastery

Beyond Technique

Technique is a set of rules, restrictions and limits, with the true purpose of the technique being to develop the qualities and vehicles such that we may pass through these very rules, restrictions and limits.  Then having embodied and acquired the essence of these qualities and vehicles, we become enabled to continue to pass through subtler and subtler levels of dimensional formation, bindings and tether, without restriction of movement, until inevitably reaching and passing through origin, and the developmental transformation of passing through the Higher path moving us to Enlightenment.  When our perceptual awareness is unable to move freely through the multidimensional spectrum of formations that comprise our consciousness, we cannot engage with these levels of consciousness, or in other words we are effectively obscured from knowing and experiencing these levels of consciousness.  The extent to which we are are able to know and experience a greater or lesser spectrum of our multidimensional consciousness is determined by the ability of our perceptual awareness to pass through the spaces and gaps that exist within any dimensional formation, with sensitivity of coordination allowing access to a greater spectrum and lesser sensitivity of coordination to a lesser spectrum.  Very dense blockages and tether commonly restrict mobility and movement of the perceptual awareness to the extent that little to no Higher level particle information is able to pass through, be received, integrated and engage our process of Higher developmental transformation.  The dislodging, loosening and dissolving of tether on the other hand, releases blockage and obstruction, allowing more and more Higher level particle information to pass through, be met, received, and for clear reciprocal communication, education, insight and integration to engage our processes of Higher developmental transformation to occur with far greater levels of refinement, articulation, sensitivity and coordination.  The overall result is that from transition to transition, our progression through the cycles of developmental process become more and more natural, our perceptual awareness unbroken, seamless and our qualities and vehicles unified.

The purpose of the technique is to train us in how to pass through the technique.  Form is technique, a construct of rules, restrictions and limits, which when coordinated with universal mechanics in specific ways develop the qualities and vehicles that enable us to find the spaces and gaps within these rules, restrictions and limitations, releasing tether, binding and obstruction from the vehicle that moves us through this unfolding passage, this by default increasing our mobility and ability to move through this passage freely.  As our level of ability to move freely increases, we pass deeper into the technique, meeting a more “intelligent” level of restrictions, rules and limits, and so our qualities and vehicles through engaging them, developmentally transform such that they may pass through this more “intelligent” level of dimensional formation.  Progressing through increasingly “intelligent” levels of restrictions, rules and limits, could be compared to being instructed by teachers with greater insight, understanding and ability to communicate their knowledge in such a way that our own developmental transformation is able to further refined and progress.  This form of intelligence is less akin to how the intellect commonly defines intelligence, and more comparable to the composition of processes and functions which occur when driving a car, riding a bicycle or crossing a busy road.  Then for instance if we were to set our goals towards professional automobile or bicycle racing, as we increased in skill, knowing and ability would become less and less intellectual, and more and more  felt.  Our education would occur more and more through a reciprocal cycle of feedback observed through own own physical body’s engagement with the automobile or bicycle, refinements made through a process of receiving information at the tactile level, an immediate response at the tactile level, and this continual reciprocal process of insights informing and re-adjusting all the qualities and vehicles which compose our skill, with the result being increased functional ability.  This fundamental concept of learning, understanding, knowing, developmental transformation and functional ability applies as equally to the aforementioned examples as it does to progression and attainments on the Higher self and Enlightenment path.

The ability to perceive the Higher self path is yet another example why the qualities and vehicles that comprise sincerity are so important.  For sincerity in practice leaves no stone unturned, it makes us attentive, since our determination would have it no other way, lack of sincerity on the other hand permits vague, halfhearted engagement with practice,  allowing for non-attentiveness, which of its inherent nature will commonly and easily disregard the noting of passage even if it be in plainest and most obvious sight.  While some define whether consciously or unconsciously, determination as applying hard, brute force to an activity or action, and it can certainly be engaged in this way, it can also be defined and applied in a way that is more synonymous with patience, such as the patience commonly given to a young child learning to walk.  The Guild defines and utilizes determination in the latter way.  In essence, it is simply to sustain for instance attentiveness until all stones have been overturned, yet with gentle, soft patience.

Moving beyond technique, is to directly connect with the qualities and vehicles which the technique is directing and guiding us to discover and engage with.  In this regard, the technique, just like the Attunement, is similar to a map, assisting us to recognize and merge with the purer and purer universal mechanics, which are what enable experienced actualization of our Higher potential, rather than mere intellectual assumption or conjecture, absent “participation” and immersive experience.  The word sincerity alone, while in present day may conjure up adverse illusions of excessive strictness, austerity and seriousness, in action simply means to engage with our practice to the best of our present capacity.  It means to, for the time given to practice, to curb any halfhearted, lackadaisical, inattentive, passive or apathetic inclinations, and to instead be attentive, active and conscientious.  This does not in any way mean that practice must be tense, strained and rigid.  Quite to the contrary in fact, since these hinder and restrict the qualities and vehicles of softness, and thus impede mobility, movement, transformation, progress, broadening, deepening and expansion.  Noting the aforementioned qualities and vehicles all of which are able to be what they are because of softness, an uncomplicated principle to recall how to enable sincerity in practice is just to engage with and immerse oneself in these qualities and vehicles to the best of one’s present capacity.  A simple example to remember is that in order to become better at relaxation, engaging excessive strain and tension is not what it means to do our best, however learning to feel the experience of relaxation at the deepest level that our perceptual awareness presently permits will.

Just as with the development of expertise in any skill, such as driving a motor vehicle, becoming an Olympic athlete or a master chef, giving attention, energy and action to the best of our present ability is mandatory if we wish to further develop and progress.  Moreover, through the giving of attention, energy and action at the best of our present ability, both the ability we seek to gain expertise in is optimally developed, as is our ability to give attention, energy and action, these being factors that comprise functional sincerity.